Employee Well-being from Collective Meaning

Help your employees rediscover the meaning of their work in their own lives and the critical part they play in the success of the organization as whole.

Created and presented in partnership

Anne Bahr Thompson

Author of Do Good and creator of the Me-to-We Continuum of Brand Citizenship, a model and measure for brands gaining meaningful recognition from their stakeholders

Laura Nespoli

Strategic storyteller and founder of Meshin Movement, and expert in making meaning a shared experience. 

Reimagining sustainable business and the future of work in your organization starts with recognizing the unique and holistic needs of every individual on the team today.

  • Employee expectations have shifted—people want and need their work to be a source of meaning in their lives.

  • But meaning is not one-size-fits-all

  • And a company purpose statement is not enough to rally teams for operational success without every individual seeing themselves in that shared intention.

  • The health of your organization’s future is dependent on how your employees derive meaning and well-being from the work they’re doing today.

  • Helping every individual on the team achieve a sense of well-being despite the stressors of today’s world is the new business imperative.

  • Well-being is not a one-size fits all model.

  • Foster resilience in every individual and develop sustainable collective well-being across the business

  • When your employees see the meaning in their day-to-day, they persevere for greater long-term outcomes.

  • When your people see meaning for themselves, they’re conditioned to weather unforeseen but certain challenges.

  • When we recognize the unique value of every employee’s contribution to the greater whole, we give reinforce a sense of individual and collective meaning


Employee Well-being from Collective Meaning

The responsibilities, risks and operational shifts today’s leaders must adapt to will continue to increase the pressure on every individual in the organization.

  • Engage your employees

    and create long-lasting cultural value and loyalty by uncovering the deeper meaning of each employee’s sense of well-being (Me).

  • Honor each individual’s unique narrative

    by mapping their sense of meaning into an integrated ecosystem of what doing good means collectively as an organization and when aligned with your organization’s purpose for all stakeholders in and outside the company (We).

  • Stay current with your team’s social values

    by tracking accountability in delivering against the collectively-defined meaning of employee wellbeing

  • Functional benefits for are no longer enough to help employees feel the sense of meaning and belonging they need from their work.

    Building a sustainable business depends on leaders helping every individual on the team cultivate holistic well-being and meaning on their terms and in their lives, while helping each of them see their integrated connection to the collective meaning of organization’s work.

  • Did you know that women are 41% less likely to feel a strong sense of belonging in the workplace compared to men?*

    Help women rewrite their narrative within your organization and celebrate their unique, vital and irreplaceable role as part of the collective whole.

    *(Achievers Workforce Institute)