Meshin Movement Pledges 10% of Profits to Effective Charities
I, Laura Nespoli, recognize that Meshin Movement can use part of its profits to do a significant amount of good. I pledge that from March 12, 2021 Meshin Movement shall give at least 10% of profits to whichever organizations can most effectively use it to improve the lives of others, now and in the years to come. I make this pledge freely, openly, and sincerely.
~Laura Nespoli, Owner
Meshin Movement, LLC
I’m very excited to announce that from this day forward, Meshin Movement is pledging 10% of profits to effective altruism. This pledge was inspired by and made through GivingWhatWe
I was first introduced to the company pledge when I heard the organization’s co-founder and President of The Centre for Effective Altruism, William MacAskill, discuss the opportunity we have as individuals to do more good in the world by making smarter decisions about giving--and normalizing the spirit of effective altruism.
Will posed the following prompt (paraphrased):
Imagine you had an opportunity to run into a burning building and save the lives of 5 children while coming out unscathed? Doing such an incredible thing would be a life defining moment. Now imagine you had the opportunity to save the lives of 5 children year after year for the rest of your life. Would you do it? Simply put, we each have the opportunity to do this level of good when we give to the world’s most effective charities.
This struck a chord with me and I was instantly set on how to make this pledge on behalf of Meshin Movement.
Meshin began with an intention to be more values-align professionally with who I am as a person. My company was born from a social entrepreneurial idea and a need to explore if and how this idea could come to life. At its core, it was about giving back to organizations in need by creating awareness and donation through a paid-for connecting meal experience.
Over two years after founding Meshin Movement--the core of my business is for-profit work as a brand strategist and strategic storyteller. And I love what I do. Meshin is a direct extension of my personal purpose to reveal meaningful connections that solve problems, connect people or ideas and create movement, whether for a brand, a team or an individual.
But now, a pledge to give 10% of Meshin’s profits in support of effective altruism is taking a bigger step toward aligning the work I love to do today with my ideals. It is the follow through and action on the big intentions Meshin started with. By making a pledge to give 10% of profits, I can flex what I do and how I do it over time and still remain true to my sense of social entrepreneurialism. I do hope there is ultimately a Meshin meal experience, just as I hope there are other creative manifestations of my purpose to create more meaningful connections. But just as there are many paths to get to where you’re going, I’m glad to know that no matter the journey or the destination of Meshin, I’ll always be on the right path through Giving What We Can.
The mission of Giving What We Can is to inspire donations to the world’s most effective organizations. In their words, “We believe that charitable donations can do an astonishing amount of good. However, the impact can vary wildly depending on where we donate. Because the difference between charities is astounding, it is important that we donate to the most effective charities if we want to have a significant impact.”
I am proud to be joining this like-minded community. And proud to spread their intention to normalize giving more and giving more effectively. I hope that my clients and partners also feel inspired by this pledge and understand that our collaboration allows us to improve well-being in the world and make a significant impact together.